Sunday, November 9, 2014

On the Dignity of the Human Person

“Creation of Adam“ by Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1510
World War III for Christians

For as long as I can remember there have been fictional stories of government plots to do grievous harm to the populations they are intended to serve.  Stories such as Soylent Green and Blade Runner depict a world in decay because of overpopulation.  It has long been a topic used to strike fear into the hearts of people, especially those living in affluent environments. 

We have seen the response from those in authority.  In the United States population control was first attempted on a limited scale through the use of Eugenics back in 1880s [1] and continued following Nazi Germany’s program during World War II.  While not specifically aimed at “improving the race” near universal availability of contraceptive drugs and devices and legalized abortion on demand serve a similar purpose.  They have been brokered as means by which women can control their lives.  In practice, they are a means to reduce population pressure, especially among the poor and ethnic minority populations.  The implication of the policies that have surfaced demanding these services be offered without cost through government sponsorship (see HHS Mandate) is that people are no better than animals who cannot control their reproductive urges. 

This mentality, seeing people as no better than animals has recently been demonstrated in another area.  In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the mayor (Jack Seiler) has implemented a law that forbids feeding the homeless.  Implying that; “If we don’t feed them (like bears) they won’t stay.”  Oh, that’s not the official reason.  The official reason is that the must go through a government agency to get food.  In the wake of this ordinance, a 90 year old man (Arnold Abbott) was arrested for violating this law.

It is the fundamental and universal pronouncement of the Church and, indeed, all who claim to follow Christ, that the human life is precious, divinely given, and needs to be treated with respect. (see CCC 1700 and others)  Jesus makes it clear in the Bible that each individual is precious (Luke 15:1-7 among others).  Yet, in the name of health, or in the name of service, government agencies are working diligently to insure that they control the population; they control reproduction.

This is clearly not just a problem in the United States of America.  We see much clearer and more visible evidence of the attempt to control and reduce human population on a global scale.  The biggest poster project that has gained almost universal support is the Climate Change topic.  Although the impact of the human species on the world’s ecosystems is undeniable; many in the scientific community claim it is principally responsible for global warming.  These claims we should add, cannot be validly supported by scientific evidence. (We are reminded of a quote from a very good friend who holds a PhD in Math with a specialty in statistics.  He once told me that when he was asked to provide an interpretation of statistical data his frequent response was “What would you like it to say?”)  We are sure that Climate Change will become the rallying cry for population control in the near future.  After all, no one can expect humans to behave differently from animals when it comes to breeding.

China has already implemented the “One Child” law and there is global pressure (especially from the United Nations) to adopt similar population control measures.  “Enlightened” European countries have gone a bit further down the road paved by Soylent Green and Blade Runner.  The cry for “Death with Dignity” has shaped public policy in many countries where assisted suicide has joined abortion and sterilization as a institutionally supported means of population control.

We have seen attacks on the Catholic Church’s position on birth control by the United Nations in the past (the hierarchy in that august body, which your tax dollars support, really hates the Church).  The leadership of the UN has its own agenda as seen recently in a report issued by the Bishops of Kenya.  According to the Bishops, WHO and the UN have been “spiking” tetanus vaccines with an agent (Beta- HCG)  that causes the recipient to have multiple miscarriages and frequently sterilizes the woman so vaccinated.  

The challenge for the faithful Christian is clear.  As global population increases threaten those in power, they will find ways of eliminating the value of the human person.  Our children’s children may one day face mandatory sterilization or have to apply to some government agency for permission to have a child.  Freedom to share God’s great gift in creating life may be stripped.  We cannot sit on the sidelines now.  Please show your outrage when you can and vote with the reminder of Christ’s love of the lost sheep.  It is they who will be the first and most vulnerable targests.


[1] Although not academically recognized as valid, Wikipedia does provide some validated references on Eugenics.